October 2013 News


Daylight Savings Time - Tips for making sure the signage lights when the sun goes down

The competition for signage space has never been more intense. With competitors either next door, across the street or in another part of town, making sure you signage stands apart is crucial. Especially at all times of the day. Making sure your sign is s


Winterizing Signage

Until the United Federation Planets comes up with weather modification nets that allow for us to have great weather 365/24/7, below is a short quick list of tips to help Winterize your signage for the upcoming harsher weather seasons.


What is a Call-to-Action? What is its purpose in signage.

If you could only get the customer to do one thing, the little message you would give the customer to do said one thing would be the Call-to-Action.


Maintaining Brand Continuity with Signage

Leaving any kind of variance in branding can ultimately lead to the type of brand confusion that can hurt sales long-term, especially when it comes to customer retention.


Why your storefront signage is important

Not all storefronts are built the same. You have to play the hand you’re dealt. It’s best to make the most of those the storefront allotments.

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