

Types of LED Signage, Indoor & Outdoor

We will get up to 10 requests a day for LED signs, yet no two requests will be the same. They won't even be close. We're not talking about differences in the shapes and sizes of LED screens, or the hues of the light versus the richness of the pixel resolution. We mean completely different implementations, types, and usages of LED technology.

It is a testament to the diversity of the businesses we work with. It's also a testament to the seemingly innumerable ways in which LED technology has worked its way into outdoor and business signage. It's incredible. Beautiful and incredible.

Below is a primer, an introduction into the world of LED signage.

The first breakdown: What LED is all about.

LEDs are more than just the modern trend in televisions, display screens, and light bulbs. They are the lighting technology. LED stands for light-emitting diode. Translating the technospeak, LEDs create a low, consistent light for extended periods of time. LEDs are popular because they last a long time and burn less energy than most all alternatives.

The second breakdown: Indoor vs. Outdoor LED.

It's true with all types of signage: what works best indoors is not what works best outdoors. Outdoor LED Signs are typically bigger in size and scope. They're designed to be seen from far away: from the street, from down the road, and from other nearby locations. They are also designed to handle the weather.

Indoor LED Signs are typically smaller in scope. They're meant to be seen from shorter distances: from walk-up traffic, window shoppers, and customers during the buying process. The interaction is expected to be more tangible and interactive. Nowadays, indoor LED signs include touch screens and kiosks.

Now, you can find indoor LED signs that can handle the weather. You can also find a slotted screwdriver to unscrew a Phillips head screw. In both cases, the work-around will shorten the life of the tools & parts in the long run.

For a deeper dive into the differences, check out our article on the differences between indoor and outdoor LED signs.

The third breakdown: Usages of LED in signage.

Perhaps the most common usage for LED nowadays is in LED display screens and message boards. They are incredible as stand-alone signs. Often, they're even better as part of a design concept: framed and hoisted by thematic materials, standing like a beacon in the night.

Those message boards aren't the only ways we use LED technology. Other ways we use LED in signage includes:

  • Full Color LED: This is the life-like imagery, like what you see on your new TV. When you hear all the tech names like 4k, 8K, HD and the like, they're typically talking about this type of display.
  • RGB Lights: This is where you find the RGB, the "Red, Green & Blue," references. Screen resolution varies to near-full color pictures down to simple, multi-colored message boards. The lower-ranged RGB Lights can also be done in a red, green, & yellow combination called Tri-Color LED Signs.
  • Monochrome LED: Monochrome, when it comes to signage, is a ten-dollar word meaning, "one color." These colors are usually blue, yellow, or amber / red. Though, if needed, other colors are available. Monochrome signs are great for scrolling message boards on a budget.
  • Illuminated LED signs: A beautiful way to light up your signage at night, Illuminated LED signs are great for display signs for your business storefronts. Check out this page that displays a few of our illuminated LED signs.
  • Backlit LED Signs: Ever seen those magnificent signs styles where it looks like the light glows around the sign? Those are backlit channel letter signs. LED lights are great for backlit / channel letter signs. Check out our recent work on LED backlit channel letter signs.

It goes even deeper, but we didn't want your eyes to gloss over. Instead, we'd rather you contact us to learn more. We can help.

Contact us today for free consultation and quote to learn more how LED can fit in your design style and budget.

We help you figure out what sign is best for your business so you can get business from your sign.