

Following Strack & Van Til’s LEED in using energy-efficient outdoor signage

Everyday the voice grows stronger for products and services that are green, organic, and eco-friendly. Strack and Van Til Food Market continues to make strides to not only fill market needs, but to also be a leader when it comes to reducing their carbon footprint.

Perhaps their biggest step came last year when Strack & Van Til launched their first LEED certified grocery store.

What is LEED Certification?

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, aka LEED. is a certification program issued by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBG). It uses systems to honor and monitor prerequisites and criteria of eco-friendly construction. Those systems are: design and construction including building design and construction, interior design and construction, building operations and maintenance, neighborhood development, and homes. Elements within the certification includes sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, material & resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation, and regional priority credits.

Strack & Van Til’s Silver LEED certification means that their design, construction and maintenance exceeds the USGBG’s basic standards for LEED certification.

How Landmark Sign helped Strack & Van Til achieve LEED Silver Certification

The LEED Silver Certification incorporates both the indoor and outdoor elements of a structure. This includes outdoor signage. This is where we came in.

By providing two large internal LED illuminated displays from GE with flexible faces fitted hand-crafted aluminum cabinetry fabricated into Strack & Van Til’s signature palette shape, we helped Strack & Van Til achieve their certification. LED lighting requires less energy to run, runs longer over time and is more capable of reducing light pollution.

Congratulations, once again, goes out to Strack & Van Til.

We hope their continual strive for success helps them grow and create even deeper relationships with their stakeholders.

Want your outdoor signage to be LEED certified?

Contact us today. As you can see, we’ve done a few of these. We would be glad to help you as well.