

Signs to upkeep your Outdoor Shop Presence.

Sometimes it's tough to tell whether or not you need a new sign, or at least have maintenance performed. You see it every day. Over time, it's hard to pick up on the nuances that inevitably change. Sometimes, you don't see the sign at night when it's lit up. Sometimes the repair need is very small and in a spot that's out of sight.

So with that in mind, here are some signs to update signs for your outdoor shop presence:

  • If your sign was originally white, but now looks more like ivory, you'll probably need a little touch-up.
  • If bird droppings are starting to build up underneath your signage, it's probably time to perform maintenance.
  • If you can't remember the last time you saw your sign lit up, then it's time to give it a once-over.
  • If the blacks in your sign are starting to look like a dark slate, then your colors are starting to fade from the weather. It's probably time to give it a once-over.
  • If your electrical bill is starting to creep up but you don't think your in-office output is changing, then your signage might need some new, more efficient lighting.
  • If you can't remember the last time someone took a nice, hard look at the inner workings of your signage, then it's definitely time to have a signage inspection.
  • There are more signs, like cracks and dried seals and odd shadows within your signs. All and all, maintenance and upkeep are about vigilance, diligence, and consistency.

Take care of your sign and your sign takes care of you.

For more signs for your outdoor shop presence, contact us today.