

Should We Turn On Our Signage at Sundown?

In business, there is often a tendency to correlate professionalism with precision. From precision, we get efficiency. From efficiency, we begin to consider value.

So though a step like, "when to turn on our outdoor sign?" can seem tiny, it can be foundational when beginning to build your presence.

So we suggest taking the extra effort to make sure the lights come on right when it gets dark so it becomes more of an event and less like an afterthought.

Here's a couple things to consider when figuring out when the lights go on.

Sundown isn't necessarily when the lights go down

It's long conceived that the official sundown is the moment when the light is out of the sky. That’s actually a little off. The reason is because even though the literal definition is the moment when the sun goes down over the horizon, it's still giving off plenty of light. Depending on the terrain in your part of the world, that extra light can go for several minutes.

The Beauty of Last Light

Many places, like, call this time, "Last Light." In some places in the world, it's truly the time when it goes from light to dark.

Since there's an uncountable number of terrain and horizon structures, we can't say what specifically you should go with. Especially if you are in a big city like Chicago where some parts of downtown never see the sun and others get to see sundown. But, just take note that if you're in an area where sundown seems a bit early, it's because you haven't reached "Last Light." And, just as important, there are places that account for “Last Light,” which means you can set your schedule accordingly.


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