

Road construction can be the right time for signage

In our last article we discussed the development that led to the new entrance sign for Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, IN. For those who haven't seen it, the signage is as elegant, interactive, and informative as any high-end signage we've ever done.

Before the signage became the majestic tribute it is today, there was a time when their signage was much simpler. Without getting into specifics - mostly because they are way above our pay grade - there was a time when Blue Chip Casino's access to US 12 was very restricted and much closer to the steep bridge that neighbors the property.

When Blue Chip Casino was first built in 1997, their access to US 12 was but an easement allowing customers to enter at the bottom of the bridge at a red light. Instead of coming back out the north end, customers conveniently exited via the south end of the facility. From there, customers had a choice to circle back left around to US 12 via side streets or take a signed-guided route back out to IN-35, which ran North-South parallel to the casino on the west side of the creek.

Opportunities change over time

As the casino grew into its new home, the landscape began to change. Over time, they eventually gained more frontage on US 12, and eventually redirected their exiting traffic back that way.

New construction can create new site lines

In addition, the location of their entrance was moved east down US 12 so as to not be so close to the steep bridge, which could be very slick during the bad weather months. The street that used the other side of the 4-way intersection, the one that led up to the famous trolly stops along the water, was also moved to preserve traffic flow.

This lead to flexibility and enhanced sightlines for their property. From there, the opportunity for the eventual, enhanced signage.

Keeping in touch with the planning and development committees

Not every situation comes to fruition over 10-15 years like it did for Blue Chip Casino. For some businesses, the building situation can grow at a breakneck pace. For others, it could not change for generations. Everyone grows at their own pace.

Helping your business look into the future.

To learn more about how to plan long-ter for your business's physical awareness and presence, and how to make sure you can continue to attract as many customers as your location allows, contact us today.