

Including ADA Compliant Components into your outdoor signs

One might suspect that since we typically deal exclusively in outdoor signs that we might not deal with ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act - Compliance. While several of our projects have a tendency to fall out of the ADA Act, this doesn’t mean we’re not conscious or inconsiderate of the ADA. Our biggest concern for our clients is to get them the best overall value for the money. For their customers, this means providing them the best user experience possible.

Below are a few examples where we do incorporate ADA-focused design and user experience elements into our signage.


While putting braille on sign that’s adorning the top of a skyscraper might draw more branding questions than it does provide insight, putting in universally-understood ADA-compliance signs will help a business go a long way in showing all customers that they are experienced and prepared to assist those with disabilities. This approach might sound redundant, but it also shows awareness.

Sometimes our signage is within arm’s reach. Signs in strip malls or shopping malls can at times be as low as eye level. Including braille on the signage is not only a benefit, but in these cases they can also be required.

Tactile Lettering

Continuing with the theme of signage at eye-level, tactile lettering is also a tangible requirement. Making a physically accessible sign allows those who are visually impaired to be able to make out the letters when they’re not completely sure as to what they see.

ADA-Compliant Pictograms

Pictograms are universally recognized and quick to understand, especially in a world where mere seconds is all a business has to capture a customer’s attention. More importantly, they are welcoming and provide assurances for customers.

Parking Signs

Here’s another one: while parking signs typically are not required to have ADA compliance, acknowledging that your parking area has ADA accessibility is another place where branding and acknowledging features to help your client go hand in hand.

Want more information on ADA compliance on outdoor signages? Contact us today. We’ll be happy to assist.

For more information on the ADA, please check out