

How long should our marquee messages be?

Here's a good question we often get asked by our customers who have scrolling marquee as a part of their signage:

"How long should our marquee messages be?"

Sure, the simple answer would be: short and sweet. That answer would work, but for those looking to optimize their signage, there are a few things to consider.

Where is the audience going to view it?

If the signage is going to be viewed by drivers from highways or even streets, then you'll want to keep them very short and sweet. They won't have much time to read it. They'll be busy doing the latest trend coming out of Europe: driving.

If the signage is going to be seen from the street, inside a building, or in a standing position, then you'll have more room to play with. That doesn't mean you should go prattling through your message. Keep in active voice and get to the point, but if your niche is one that involves humor, then you'll have another second or two to set up the joke.

What are the other signs in the area doing?

If you're with the driving audience, then you'll have little time to stand out. Look for contrast. Reread the Art of War if you must. It the signs stagnant, be dynamic. If they're being dynamic, be stagnant. If they're vibrant and outspoken, be the subtle spot for their eyes to rest in. If it's all subtle, then be the outspoken one. Etc...

The same goes for the standing / walking area. You want to get your point across. You want to stand out. Try to be the one doing something different from everyone else.

But if you're only one of a couple signs or less, you'll have a little more freedom to create the poignant message.

Either way, edit, edit, and edit some more.

Once you think your message is short enough, edit it down some more. Make a great first impression, no, instant impression by being poignant.

Each Marquee location is different. In the end, messaging is always about testing.

Like any other discussion about messaging and testing, all the guidelines are great to follow when setting up the initial test parameters. From there, test several variations and if you don't like the results, don't be afraid deviate from the norms.

After all, it's your message in the marquee.

For more information on how we make your marquee shine in front of the right people, contact us today.