

Holiday messages for non-retail signage

It can be easy to develop a bit of signage-envy when one sees all the opportunities retail-based businesses can have with their signage this time of year. Their selection of sales, discount, and membership club opportunities are endless. Their imagery and creative are seemingly boundless. One would ask, “Why do the retail stores have all the fun?”

Well, there’s nothing saying they should be the only ones who have the fun. Here are a few ways those non-retail business can get in on the holiday signage cheer:

A Simple “Happy Holiday”

Using the signage to state “Happy Holidays /” or “Merry Christmas” (depending on your customer base) is a great way to help keep the good vibe and show potential customers that you are not so self-absorbed that you don’t realize what’s going on around your business. For what you get back in cheer, the idea is priceless.

A Group Photo

Dress up the staff in the ugliest holiday sweaters. Adorn them with only the ugliest of Santa Hats. Spice up the cocoa and gather them around the camera.

Or, whatever comes to mind. The point is, using the signage to post Holiday Group votes to help get others in the season helps customers put a fact to the message, thereby personalizing and intensifying it.

A Thank You Message

Struggling with the great “Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas,” message. The great thing about the Holiday Season is that it is at the end of the year. Switching themes and thanking folks for the year is a great way of showing appreciation for the time of year without being stuck within the rigamarole of deciding the proper message to make.

Holiday-themed signage accents

Then there are those who can hang a candy cane on a low-hanging letter or a Santa hat on top of the first letter. Its understated, but shows a willingness to pay attention to the details.

So long as it is festive

Not everyone has to run 2 for 1 Holiday Specials, but that shouldn’t stop companies from feeling like they don’t have the opportunity to show some holiday joy. Have some fun with it. And, if you take pics, please send them our way. We’d love to see it.