

You made It Through the Holiday Season. Your Reward, Starting 2016.

Congrats. Now that the last of the dishes are done, the gifts are handed out, hugs and kisses have been reciprocated, and the stack of re-gifts is safely stored away to be used next year, it's time to rest, for a moment.

For when that moment is over, it's time to put your running shoes on because the mad dash they call the 2016 business year has already begun.

So while you're cleaning up the dust off the counters made noticeable by the now-packed Christmas decorations, put your mind towards how you're going to make next year even better. And, because we specialize in outdoor signs, we'll look at it from the said perspective.


The first thing you'd expect us to say is to, "get a new sign," but the truth is that you might not need it to achieve your goals. There are several alternatives, to cleaning and maintenance to recycling the sign, to simply adding to it in the allotted space. A little LCD message board, a clock, or a simple signage board. Maybe a phone number. It depends on your scope of business, competition, and budget.

It's just as easy to grow into the sign you need.


As we've said several, several, many numerous times before: getting a new sign is one thing, keeping it looking new is completely different. It's all about scheduled upkeep and keeping up with the end of life cycle of the sign's components.

Not only is upkeep an issue, but for those with dynamic signage capabilities, it comes down to, "what," "who," and "when," to update the sign. Tis the season of signage schedules, tasked responsibilities, and scheduled updates to keep the message, fresh, current, and relevant.


If it is decided to grow the physical capabilities of the sign, then someone is going to have to put the plan in place. Either your internal staff or a specialist, like us, can help put the plan in place.

May you have an incredible Holiday Season and a healthy (albeit short) rest until 2016.

And if you have any questions along the way about anything in your signage, feel free to give us a call.

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