June 2014 News


Multi-Colored LED Signs vs Monochromatic LED Signs: Two examples.

Though LED monitors are starting to push out the need for standing signs in the same way they replaced the classic “boob tube”, choosing between color and monochromatic (single color) LED signage isn’t as simple as it is with TVs.


LED Outdoor Signage Terms 101

To help integrate you into LED outdoor signage, below are a few terms you’ll run into along with their meaning:


LED Outdoor Signage Questions - The Beginner's Edition

if you’re still getting used to the whole LED outdoor buying experience, allow us to provide you a few basic questions to get the brain cells stimulated.


Red / Amber LED Outdoor Signs vs. Blue LED Outdoor Signs: a contrasting decision.

Here’s an example of a question that sounds simple but whose answer is initially more complex than it would first appear


Real Pixel vs Virtual Pixel LED Outdoor Signage - a common sense approach

Want to know more about your LED outdoor sign options before buying? Contact Us Today.

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